TRIBUNNEWSBATAM.COM, Batam – International Motocross Kepri 2015 (IMCOK) will again be held at the Non Permanent Circuit Dragonfly, Sei Temiang, Batam for two days, Saturday (09/05/2015) and Sunday (09/06/2015) future.
In these two days, Batam will be the host of the event, after 4 times this event was held in Bintan. This event is the sixth event for these 6 years.
“Two times in a row in 2014 and 2015 this event held in Batam. In addition, to channel the talents of Batam teenagers from inconsiderate action on public roads, this event also can be a tourist attraction,” said Bambang Suwastiyo, the steering committee during a press conference in Kepri Mall on Sunday (30/08/2014).
According to him, the tendency of teenagers Batam illegal racing on public roads, one of them because of the absence of a container that holds their hobby.
But on the other hand, the prestigious event which invites racers numbers of some of these countries into the arena of tourism. Some Croser from Japan, Mongolia, Australia, Austria, Tailand, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia dipastiakan will come and be a tourist attraction in Batam.