Abang Island is a very beautiful island with a very soft white sand, the sea is very clear to the coral reefs still visible from the ship although at 3 meters depths. According to Wikipedia Abang Island is called as the Bunaken Island from western part of Indonesia, for its beautiful coral reefs are very beautiful. (Just because of a pity limited equipment and time we have not had time to explore the beauty of the coral reef Abang Island.
Let’s start:
We plan to hold a camp on the 2nd -3rd June 2012. We planned this event a month earlier and eventually collected 11 people who will follow the camping tour to Abang Kecil Island. Things that need to be prepared for camping are:
- Rent a boat / pompong. If later one wants to try to travel P Abang, try to book 2-3 weeks boat rental before the day. because of my experience booking a week before the day is really hard to get the boat. Finally with great difficulty we can get boat to rent for a million rupiahs left from Bridge 4 Barelang.
- Vehicle to bridge 4 Barelang we use the motor.
- Standard camping equipment.
@Rp125,000 X 11persons = Rp. 1,375 millions
Boat rental = Rp 1 million
Buy fish and chicken for the BBQ = Rp. 325,000
Buy Water drinking glasses = Rp. 50,000
It’s so cheap @ Rp 125rb with full gasoline tank was able to enjoy camping in exotic island, Abang Kecil Island.
This is the map location of Abang Island:
We depart from Mukakuning at 3 pm. It is suggested to depart from 6th Barelang Bridge by using boat it takes around hour while if depart from 4th Barelang Bridge it takes around 3 hours, it was very boring journey in the sea.
So if you go early morning, from 6th Barelang Bridge at 6 AM it will reach Abang Island around 7 AM. So you will be satisfied to enjoy the beaches, diving and snorkeling. Then continued overnight camping, because if you come back to home at afternoon the great concern because of the wind across the South China Sea to return to the bridge 6 Barelang.
Batam City icon:
Reached at 2nd Barelang Bridge with 1st Barelang Bridge background:
Depart from port by using boat:
After more than 3 hours, we finally reached at Abang Kecil Island around 8 PM. We create the tent for camping in uninhabited island across from Abang Kecil Island (approximately 200 meters) and we were camping there. After getting an adequate place to set up a tent most of us make a fire pit and do BBQ. After dinner we fished on the beach until the early morning at 4 am.
I woke up at 5 am and turned the sea water that was almost touching our tent at the night was receding … and seen the red sand and rocks on the island where we were camping … It’s so cool guys ..
And apparently the Abang Kecil island on the other side of the island where we were camping is really beautiful .. white sand lined with palm trees towering neat. Crystal clear sea water .. really shallow, but still not able to cross into Abang Kecil island because there is a path in. The coral reefs is so cool. Ornamental fish, nemo fish that are rich in hanging around our feet on the coral reefs … Unfortunately our camera can not penetrate to the bottom of the sea clearly.

menarik sekali gan 😀
ada rencana mau nengok kakak di Batam. blum tw siih pastinya kapan, tp rencana 1-2 bulan depan. dan pastinya ga bakal mau kehilangan moment pas besok kesana.
udah search beberapa destinasi wisata di Batam. dan ini yg paling menarik bagi ane gan :D. karna emang basicnya suka wisata alam sih, jadi ke batam pun yg dicari bukan wisata belanja. agak hopeless sih pas nyari spot snorkeling di Batam. makanya seneng nemu postingan ini.
tp kyaknya klo sendirian ke sana rada berat di ongkos sewa kapal yaa. hehehe…
makanya bakal seneng bgt klo bisa join next trip agan2 smw 😀
Batam yang selama ini populer sebagai kota Industri dan tempat Belanja saja. Padahal Kepulauan Batam lebih dari 2/3 nya adalah lautan. Dilautan inilah tersembunyi potensi wisata bahari, salah satunya adalah diving dan snorkeling. Sebentar lagi grup EnjoyBatam.com melalui EnjoyTravels.net punya paket wisata petualangan yakni Diving dan Snorkeling di sekitar Pulau Abang. Di dalam Wikipedia terumbu karang di Pulau Abang disebut sebagai “Bunaken” nya Indonesia Bagian Barat. Kalau mau coba paket wisata petualangan kami hubungi saja no 0819 9092 1980. Thanks