Surge of economic growth in Batam so rapidly. This resulted in revenue Batam community is growing rapidly too. The effect is increasing the number of middle-class society. Of course this resulted the changes in Batam people’s lifestyles, supported again by the movement of domestic and foreign tourists are high .
Quoted from Batam city government claims that domestic tourists who come to Batam over 5 million per year and the BPS data show foreign tourist arrivals reached 1.25 millions in 2013 . This makes Batam become the city with the high activities of business and tourism.
Inevitably with the growth of tourism and the general economy, the rise of places to actualize lifestyle community. One example is the proliferation of cafes in Batam. It can be seen cafes lined up in shopping malls, coffee shops to a national and international level cafe was opened in the ranging from business complex roadside to business center complex.
One cafe which is quite famous in Batam, namely Morning Bakery, with outlets that exist in every business center has recently opened a branch in the Kepri Mall. Morning Bakery Kepri Mall has 2 floors with each floor area is quite extensive. To the first floor has corridor area is given with height tables. VIP lounge located on the 2nd floor was arranged exclusively so that visitors comfortable to linger in this cafe.
For the menu at Morning Bakery is a mainstay the bakery or the cookies were very tasty indeed. Of course supported by the typical cafe beverages ranging from coffee and various juices. When visitors want to try a heavier dish is also available as a menu, sandwiches, burger, spaghetti, steak, kwe Tiauw and fried rice etc. .
Airy atmosphere with a minimalist design makes Morning Bakery Cafe is comfortable enough to hang out. So do not be surprised if a lot of people who conduct business meetings with clients in this place, also seen many group of families was relaxing, and in the afternoon until evening did little workers unwind by chatting with his friends.