The growth of motor vehicles number in Batam is very high , especially two-wheelers or motor cycles. It can be seen that the roads in Batam density by motorcycle . This is because the effect of rapid economic growth in Batam. Based on data from the Police Directorate of Traffic Riau Islands in April 2013 the number of motorcycles in Batam reached 420,366 pieces almost half of the total population of Batam.
It turns out that the high number of motorcycles is seen by the BNI Bank as an opportunity for innovation, by making ATM machine for motorcyclists. If the ATM machines are usually located in both a closed room or inside the mall, shop or sheltered places. BNI makes creative ideas to make the motorcyclist ATM machines located on the side of the road. Customers do not need to get off the bike let alone a motorcycle parking. Customers can transact at an ATM machine with a fixed motorcycle driven up in front of an ATM machine.
This of course saves time customer in the transaction through an ATM machine, because it does not need to leave the motorcycle in the parking lot . And innovation of BNI is the first banks innovation in Batam. Of course this is quite unique and makes people somewhat surprised but they were happy with this creativity because give convenience for customers . And it looks like this will soon be followed by other banks .
As a pilot project this motorcyclist ATM machine was built in front of the mall TOP 100 Tembesi, on the edge of the main highway which connects Batu Aji and Mukakuning which is the densest path motorcyclists in Batam .