Visited to Batam is incomplete if you do not buy souvenirs of branded bag. Batam is a paradise of branded bags at very affordable prices. This small island which has many golf courses scattered throughout the island offers a variety of world-class bags for branded handbags lovers.
If you have a hobby shop and collect a variety of branded bags, then Batam is an appropriate place for you, this island city known as a seller of branded replica bags with very competitive prices. Guaranteed that the price of branded bags are much cheaper when compared with prices in Jakarta for the same good quality are sold in stores, malls and other online bag outside Batam. This is because the bags are imported from overseas, especially China and tax-free as Batam is as a Free Trade Zone.
If you walk in Nagoya or Batam Center you will meet the seller branded bags like LV, Aigner, Gucci, etc., from its shop to the mall, which of course will spoil you as a traveler. Where can you buy these branded bags? You can shop at the malls. Batam has more than 6 major malls. Call it like Mega Mall Batam Centre, Diamond City Mall, BCS Mall, Nagoya Hill Mall, Kepri Mall and Harbour Bay Mall. Not to mention other smaller malls. Or at the shops area in Nagoya, along the left and right, a lot of shops that sell bags of varying quality.
One of the benefits bags in Batam is the diversity of models that continue to follow the world trend. A variety of bags sold model is always updated, and with considerable variation. If it does not fit and did not find one model at one store, can quickly switch to another store to search.
In addition to the model, you can also choose the desired quality of the bag in accordance with the contents of the bag. Term there is a Quality Number 1, 2, 3, and so on, or commonly referred to as KW1, KW2, and so on. The good thing, the merchants here are generally let you know what the quality of this bag. Of course, knowledge of the quality of this bag is important, so you do not be fooled on quality and price.