Batam is famous for its cheap perfume prices. No wonder if people said that Batam the paradise of Perfume. If you are going to Batam, either for traveling or work, it will be more satisfying for you to buy some perfumes as a gift, or for yourself. Perfume is not only famous among traveler or tourists. In fact, the artist and other famous people also did not leave the chance to buy the perfume in Batam when they are traveling here. Perfume shop in Batam is usually also sold cheap branded bags. Thus, the visitor is looking for a bag, can directly search for the desired perfume, or buy both.
Batam the Paradise of Perfume, Brand, Quality & Price
Almost all of the perfumes sold here in Batam are from well-known brands. Same with the branded bags, the perfume is also China’s production; I can say that this one is also a “replica” in a good way.
Perfumes quality which sold here are fairly well, close to the quality of the original brand, but in the cheaper price. In Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall, there are dozens of shops selling imported perfumes from different brands.
Most of the sellers of these claims if the perfume is the original product. But, if judging in terms of price, the perfume is sold in these stores offer much cheaper prices than the same perfume in another city, even in Jakarta. For this reason, many visitors from Jakarta, including the capital artists often buy perfume when they travel to Batam.

From many brands of perfumes, there is a buyer’s favorite brand, which is the Bvlgari. This perfume is the most popular and most sought after im Batam Island. The brands are most sought after because of the type and flavor quite numerous and vary. Some are designed for women with mild and gentle aroma.
While for men, there are served fresh and masculine fragrance. For the price range of these products, there are 350 thousand to 500’s of thousands rupiahs per item. You also can manage to bargain to get the cheaper price.