On March 8 – 10th, 2013 in Batam offroad event held with theme Barelang Offroad & Motor Adventure 2013 organized by the Indonesian Offroad Federation (IOF) in collaboration with theBatam Pos Sport and Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI) Kepri. This championship was held at the non-permanent circuit of the 1st Bridge Barelang. In this event prepared a 7-point circuits in one area for a 7 Special Kopentensi Speed (SCS). Participants are limited to only 40 professional offroader, 20 starters and 50 motorventure offroader.
Offroad Championships in Batam is an annual event held regularly every year. On the first day of the event start Graha Pena Batam Center and next down to the Batam City area, ranging from paved roads to muddy forests around Batam. Then on the day the two championships, will be followed by the standard beginner class, then there is a class Adventure Country Road which will contested on non-permanent circuit within 900 meters.
Class competition, contested seven classes Special Kopentensi Speed (SCS) and Country Road (CR) in non-asphalt circuit. Besides the most challenging, championship will also bring into motorventure touring. For existing motors cub open and trabas classes, it is for Touring bike.
Hopefully, by the championship Barelang Adventure Offroad & Bikes can establish friendship between offroad sports enthusiasts and adventure motorcycles to improve sportsmanship in Batam adventure lovers. And of course the adrenaline rush of sports events can attract domestic and foreign tourists to Batam.