That Afternoon @EnjoyBatam trying to walk along the coast before the bridge of Barelang. It turns out that behind the forests and hills that began flattened by heavy equipment there is old settlements. The old village that had explored by @EnjoyBatam is called as Kampung Tua Tanjung Gundap and Kampung Tua Tiang Wangkang. For Kampung Tua Tanjung Gundap is about 3 KM from the Trans Barelang road. When we depart from the Simpang Barelang then before the camps of Battalion 134 TS turn right to the small street, go down that road and follow the dirt road it is approximately 3 KM. In Kampung Tua Tanjung Gundap we will meet people who have lived there for decades. Housing residents largely on the shoreline with houses on stilts, although there are some houses built on the mainland. Along the coast of Tanjung Gundap beach overgrown by mangroves. From the beach seen dozens of cage fish farming, which is a resident of Tanjung Gundap livelihood as a fisherman.
Once down the Kampung Tua Tanjung Gundap @EnjoyBatam out back towards the Trans Barelang Road, and continue the journey. Prior to the 1st Barelang bridge there is driveway to the right with a signpost Kelong Citra Utama. Unlike the road to Tanjung Gundap, way to Kelong Citra Utama has been paved smooth through the hills. From the top of this hill we could enjoy the expanse of sea and small islands are so beautiful. It turns Kelong Citra Utama is located in the village of Kampung Tua Tiang Wangkang. When @EnjoyBatam down to Kampung Tua Tiang Wangkang this kelong conditions were very crowded by tourists who enjoy culinary sea food that characterizes culinary Batam.
For you seafood lovers, Kelong Citra Utama can be one of the seafood culinary tourism destinations. And on the way to the Kelong you will be treated to a view of the sea and small islands that lie very beautiful.