Batam is famous for its cheap shopping, some say it is shopping paradise. Many cheap shopping places in Batam, like, Nagoya and Penuin. In Indonesia, when people heard the name of Batam, what they are thinking is cheap electronic goods and bags tas branded Batam. Why cheap? This is because Batam is one of free trade zone area, so whatever goods imported from abroad will be free of taxes.
But apparently, most of these items are replicas. When you intend to buy some goods in some cheap shopping place in Batam, just ask and ensure to the seller, whether the goods is original or replica.
Or if you good enough to tell which one is replica, or which one is original, that will save a lot of time. And money.
Although it is replica (bags, perfumes, and else) actually all of them are in quite good quality. This article will shows you, where are the cheap shopping place in Batam. Especially for shopping gadgets, mobile phones, cameras, perfume and tas branded Batam (bags).
While for electronics and gadget, actually it almost the same as brand new stuff. What rumours says are true if it refers to second hand electronics and gadget.
Those second hand electronics and gadget mostly comes from Singapore. Laptops, iPhone, Android and other smartphones are the ones interested so many people in Indonesia.
Gadget and phone cheap shopping places in Batam
For Indonesian, electronics are becoming the main items to looking for and buy when visiting Batam. Gadget or electronic items are the most sought like mobile phones, digital cameras and DSLR cameras and accessories, and a laptop.
The most popular place for shopping electronic goods is at Lucky Plaza Batam. Lucky Plaza Batam located on Jl Imam Bonjol, Nagoya. This place is the oldest gadget center, most comprehensive and cheapest in Batam. You will not have difficulty to reach this shopping center as it is famous and located in a very strategic area.
We can say that Lucky Plaza is the biggest gadget center in Batam. Even after years, this place is still open for business, although some of the shops are already closed. It is because most of the people runs the business at home, focused on online marketing.
But now, Lucky Plaza Batam has a contender for electronic trading facility which is Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall. It is located not far from the Batam Lucky Plaza, only 800 meters away straight from Lucky Plaza. Electronic sales center in Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall precisely located on the basement floor in front of Hypermart.
Cheap bags shopping places in Batam (Tas Branded Batam)
In addition to electronic goods, there is also a paradise of shopping ‘branded’ bag. Although the bags are ‘branded’, but actually, it is a replica handbag. The bags are imported from Hong Kong or China. Although most of them are replicas, but the quality offered is a premium one.
When you compared the price and quality with other replica bags in other cities (Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Palembang), Batam price is much cheaper and quality is better. In fact, now seller from other cities are become reseller for many bags store here in Batam.
Based on information from traders and shoppers who came in Batam, the price of replica bags is much cheaper in Batam. It will cost you between 200 thousand to 500 thousand rupiahs.
Batam bag sales center is located at the outlets along the Lucky Plaza to Sari Jaya Hotel in the Nagoya area. In addition you can also shop handbags Batam in Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall and BCS Mall.
Cheap Perfume Shopping in Batam
One more thing that should not be forgotten groceries from Batam is perfume. Perfumes of Batam is very well known, both visitor of ordinary citizens to artists often hunting of perfume when visiting Batam. In addition to its quality, also the price is cheaper than in other cities in Indonesia.
Places selling perfume in Batam usually in same outlet with a bag sale. Seller bags in Batam usually also sell perfume. Place such as in outlets throughout Lucky Plaza to Sari Jaya Hotel in the Nagoya area. In addition, at Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall and BCS Mall.
Wow, actually Batam is a shopping phenomenon in Indonesia.
Everything is cheap here…
How muc the batam branded bags there?
I guess you know better sis 🙂