This time @EnjoyBatam will update culinary tourism in Batam. We update culinary of Padang cuisine. In Batam is very easy to find Padang restaurants, starting at roadside, residential complexes, markets, and business center. Batam is a haven of Padang dishes are worth a try by tourists.
Many restaurants Padang offer a very tasty dish in Batam. One of favorite @EnjoyBatam Padang cuisine is goulash kikil. Kikil is part of the soft bones cow especially leg bones . If cooked in the long term lead to soft bones, bone joints and the skin becomes soft and supple. Heemmm it’s so delicious.
Not all restaurants Padang in Batam presents kikil curry menu is because in Batam no cattle slaughterhouse so it is quite difficult to obtain raw materials this kikil. Kikil goulash is usually only available in large Padang restaurant.
One of the restaurants Padang that provides menu kikil goulash is RM Salero Basamo in Penuin precisely at Jl. Baloi Kusuma Indah Blok A No. 26 Penuin , near Top 100 Penuin. RM Salero Basamo sizable at Penuin central business district. It’s spatial roomy and clean, smoke-free rooms is available . The menu is very complete dish with flavors of course wrote highly recommended.
@EnjoyBatam of course try goulash kikil menu , the meat is tender and chewy , it was unbelievably delicious. Worth trying for Padang food lovers.